Archive for February, 2007

My Big Little Girl


Love is knowing your daughter is feeling fragile and needs to sleep next to Mama.

February 28, 2007 at 10:41 pm 3 comments

A Book For All Families


I just got this book today and I wanted to feature it because I think it’s so lovely. Todd Parr is the author, whom I adore for his fun and lighthearted books for preschoolers. This book is titled, “The Family Book” and I love it for how it portrays different kinds of families. The message is that your family may look different, but if there’s love, and you stick together, you’ve got something wonderful. Yet, it’s not written in that annoying way that some well-intentioned children’s book authors write when a message is written in a way so as to talk down to its audience. You know what I mean by that? You know how sometimes you read a children’s book that has a message and afterwards you want to brush your teeth or take a shower afterwards because it came down too forced, too sweet or just plain weird? Well, that’s why I love Todd Parr’s books because he’s writing with a purpose, but the words are just plain lovely. Maybe I’m just picking up on his personality, or maybe I’m even projecting to high heaven, but all I know is that I really love this book.

February 28, 2007 at 4:38 pm 1 comment

Adoption Doctors

We had a consultation with the wonderful people up at the University of Washington who have a clinic and run one of the best places that specifically address the medical concerns of children adopted from other countries. It is the Center for Adoption Medicine in Seattle. We had a nearly hour-long conversation and went over Isabel’s medical information with a fine-tooth comb. We discussed her growth and what it all meant in terms of her health. Babies from Kyrgyzstan are just smaller than our babies in the US and you cannot draw conclusions based on a side by side comparison. Some good news that we ascertained: She is showing amazing resilience despite her difficult start. Her body is putting all its resources into growing a strong brain and that shows in her development despite her small body. He has prescribed special formula for us to bring over so that she gets started on it sooner rather than later. I just ordered it and hopefully there is enough room for all those cans! It felt so good to already have done something for her that will help her. So, with all that in mind we are setting off to Kyrgyzstan on Friday. Hopefully I can post while I’m there. Thank you all for your lovely responses to me. I love hearing from you!

February 27, 2007 at 11:47 am 4 comments

Waiting + cookies – walking = Need new jeans

So this last month I’ve been waiting for my referral and because of waiting for my call I put my daily walk on hiatus. And because of certain young girls who stand in front of stores pushing their drugs, I mean cookies, let’s just say my jeans are a tiny bit snug. Ok, they’re tight. BUMMER.

Our tickets arrived and we’re packing for the big journey. It’s not quite real to me yet. We meet our girl a week from today! I’ve been saving little things for gifts for the kids in the orphanage. It’s such a darling little bag filled with board books, teething rings, tiny socks, ointment, stickers and funny hair clips. We also want to bring the nannies and orphanage workers gifts too. How can you thank someone for taking care of a baby who will be your daughter? Somehow nice lotions and leather-bound books seem inadequate. I’m bringing premie formula for Isabel for them to get her started on so that she can gain a bit before coming home with me. I looked around today at more slings and cozy warm outfits for her.

So, someone please come and sit with me while I pack and keep me sane. I will gladly give you a full box of thin mints. Well, maybe not a fullbox…

February 26, 2007 at 4:31 pm 3 comments

Zannie and her cousin – love Thursday


Love is walking all around with your cousin and then sharing an ice cream cone afterwards. Zannie and Alex when they were 2ish.

February 22, 2007 at 3:26 pm 1 comment

We got the call!


Just when I thought the waiting might drive me over the edge, the phone rang. I saw the number on the caller-id and I told my husband…”It’s them!” We quickly got some brief medicals and they are all good. She’s younger than we originally asked for – a little over 5 months, born in September. She is pretty small having been born prematurely, but she is healthy. The kicker is…NO PICTURE! We’re not sure why, but there is no picture and there won’t be one coming.Yep, we’ll be travling ‘blind’. It’s funny, all the age preferences and my need to be the one with my hands on the control panel has all just melted away. Husband and I have decided to just go with it. Oh yeah…we travel soon, in the first week of March. WOAH!
More to come as information comes in. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers, most of all little Isabel.

February 20, 2007 at 1:33 pm 8 comments

Perhaps maybe, it is possible I could hear today.


I spoke with our agency this morning. Our referral is indeed in Washington just waiting to be sent off, but they don’t have everything all sorted out. The details of the referrals are being tidied up and aren’t quite ready. We MIGHT hear by the afternoon. Otherwise, it’s another long weekend here at camp Zannie and family. There’s only so much cleaning a girl can do.

February 16, 2007 at 9:56 am 6 comments

Love is all around – Love Thursday


I’m going to try and post every week for Love Thursday. This is Zannie about a year ago in Golden Gate park in San Francisco. We went to the Japanese tea garden and she is sitting on top of a very high, arched bridge. Out of nowhere, she put her hands together as you see here and said, “mama, take my picture” That was a great day.

February 15, 2007 at 1:13 pm 5 comments

Zip. Nada. Nothing.

No Phone call! It was the longest day ever. I was kind of geeky sitting by the computer with home phone and cell phone sitting next to me. All modes of communication at the ready with me ready to pounce. At about 4:30 I accepted that today wasn’t the day. I really wished that valentine’s day could be our referral day. So, then I launched into comfort food mode which was easy to do after the chocolate killings that happened in kindergarten today. Zannie came home with chocolate on her dress, on her shoes, on her face and in her hair. She carried a plate of cookies and a bag filled with valentines and assorted lollipops, chocolates and a fruit loop necklace that they made. Ahhh…thanks. Sugar her all up and then send her home. Good times.

I made a classic comfort food dinner. I make it about once every two years and then I’m good for another two years. Broccoli rice and chicken casserole made with cream of mushroom soup. Yep. Tonight, it was soooooo good. Serve a salad on the side and you’re good. You don’t need to eat for another day or two. I was thinking about comfort foods and how they play into ending a hard day. What is it for you all? Chocolate to mend a broken heart? Or, is it like a friend told me once, comfort food is always white or brown. Potatoes, gravy, rice, cheesy things, ice cream, chocolate, cookies, etc.etc. I used to find total peace from the world in Mother’s™ taffy cookies. Chow mein or pad Thai noodles do well in a pinch. Soup soothes the cold, but doesn’t mend a sad soul. You need substance. Baked potato. Spaghetti and meatballs. Sundae. You know what I’m saying. So, what are your ultimate comfort foods?

February 14, 2007 at 8:31 pm 3 comments

Maybe Wednesday


No news. We won’t know anything until Wednesday now.

February 9, 2007 at 1:29 pm 4 comments

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