Posts filed under ‘Friends’

My New Crafty Blog…Little Blue Cottage

Back in April, I started a craft blog but I couldn’t tell anyone about it because I had a picture of a quilt that I was making for Suzanne, our lovely friend who awaits her baby’s arrival home from Kyrgyzstan.  But, now that the quilt has been given and I can move on to other quilts, this little blog can go forth into the crafty bloggy world. 

Pictures will be forthcoming as my camera is very unwell at the moment.


October 22, 2008 at 9:04 pm 2 comments

A New Me…

I’m so sorry I’ve disappeared from this spot for so long. I keep meaning to post to explain my absence but it’s been really hard to put my finger on.

The best I can come up with is all the growth and change here. Zannie started 2nd grade and Isabel turned two. It’s practically breathtaking to watch them grow and change at the rate they do, those girls. Isabel is doing baby signs like a champ (yay!) she has given up napping (boooo!) and she just unfolds and blossoms every single day. Suzannah is a total kid now. I don’t know fully what I mean by that except, I guess it means that there is no more little, little girl. She wants to wear pants and t-shirts instead of insisting on twirly dresses. She doesn’t say any words with cute mispronounciations. She’s Big.

Also, I feel a big change in myself and it’s been growing and starting to come out as the year goes on. I turn 40 in a few days. And, I feel really excited about it. The family-making stuff is done which is what my life was so centered around for so many years. And, as Isabel has changed from baby to toddler and sometimes goes off with grandpa to feed the ducks, I’ve felt the interests I had, the individual parts of me beckoning me. I feel this big page in the book of my life turning. It’s terribly exciting and a little strange at the same time.

I think for awhile I didn’t post because I was thinking that I was done talking about adoption or my family, but that’s silly and so I figured that couldn’t be right. Then, I was spending so much time sewing and trying to teach myself about sewing that I would change gears and have a craft blog. But, that doesn’t seem right either. Also, Zannie accidentally broke my camera and so I cannot take any pictures until we get a new one and that’s an expense I can’t justify at the moment.

So, I guess what’s going on with me is just this new idea that I can return to the things that I love, things outside of my children. (*gasps a bit…twinge of guilt*)

But, what I suspect will happen is that I will be beginning to focus this blog on all aspects of our family life, and the things I’m getting into, namely creative outlets. I am staying up way too late being crafty and it’s fun. So, stay tuned for all the projects and hopefully I’ll be able to show a picture or two soon. Oh wait…I have one from when Isabel was sick last month and fell asleep on daddy….

October 8, 2008 at 3:55 pm 8 comments

The Beckoning of Lovely

I just read about amy of   If you’re not familiar with her books, get thee to a bookstore.  If your head is hanging low with the state of the world, then please take a few minutes and watch this little video.  I promise you’ll be uplifted.

October 8, 2008 at 10:35 am 3 comments

Top Ten Reasons We Love Judy

Over there to the right…see that star?  That’s for Judy.  She’s one incredible and wonderful woman.  Today she is having surgery in her fight against breast cancer.  Soooo…let’s all be sending out some good vibes, juju, prayers, good thoughts, positive energy and virtual chocolate.  Judy is fab.  Here’s why.

1. She uses the word ‘asshat’ which is a perfect word for a butthead, only way better

2. She’s a thoughtful, descriptive writer of stuff, her experiences, her feelings.  She’s honest and real.

3. She’s totally adorable

4. She’s an adoptive mom who totally gets it

5. She’s kind to everyone online and in the blogging community

6. She shares about how awesome her husband is, and his touching poems about how much he loves her and his family  (Are you getting how much love there is in this family??)

7. Anytime I’ve ever emailed her personally, she has written right back and she’s always funny and sweet even if she’s having a tough time

8. She listens to everyone’s point of view

9. What an amazing job at mothering she is doing

10. How she has faced her cancer with dignity and class and unbelieveable maturity and humor and bravery.


Judy…thinking about you all day today!!  It all sucks so much.  Wish I could bring you a stupid casserole and a hug today too.  HUGS.

August 6, 2008 at 6:26 am 7 comments

BAKE Party at Suzanne’s

There’s a new thing happening thanks to Suzanne over at Straight Down the Mountain.  She started this whole idea of families from all over the Bay Area who have or are in-process of adopting from Kyrgyzstan, becoming a group who get together, form community and bonds with each other.  YAY!  B.A.K.E stands for Bay Area Kyrgyz Entourage.  I’m totally a BAKEr.  Here’s what happened:



Suzanne’s back yard….FAB







In the hammock





Suzanne, Ivy & Dylan









Suzanne’s Lagman was one of several traditional, central Asian dishes served.  One was a dish that I screwed up and it ended up being not the traditional manti but ended up being what I called Kyrgyz nachos.  Please, don’t ask.  Delicious, yes.  Authentic….no.  Absolutely no picture was taken of it.  I’ll do better next year…

July 28, 2008 at 10:25 pm 5 comments

Zannie Goes To The City – NaJuPicMo

I heard that Frida Kahlo was in town at SF MOMA and in an instant Suzannah and I decided that we HAD TO GO.  So, we made a day of it.  Frida Kahlo has a small connection to our heritage as my great aunt Suzanne Scheuer for whom Suzannah is named after, was friend and contemporary of Diego Rivera. I’m quite eager to share my love of San Francisco with my children, and also to share what I know of aunt Suzanne and also expose the girls to art of all kinds. After the exhibit, we sat down to talk about all the paintings over a lemonade and a cookie which Suzannah shared with Frida herself.

Then, we met up with my dear friend and teacher from my culinary school days. While eating soup, yes SOUP, she lost the other front tooth.

It was a great day.

July 19, 2008 at 5:14 pm 2 comments

Golly! Those Cupcakes have Lollies – NaJuPicMo









 These cupcakes were totally copied inspired from a Martha Stewart magazine.  They couldn’t be simpler.  The key to their appeal was the dipping of cupcakes into a bowl of sprinkles and covering the frosting completely.  Suzannah and I took sour patch strips and cut them into leaf shapes and, Bob’s your Uncle, stick a lollipop in and you’ve got some very fun cupcakes.

July 9, 2008 at 10:43 am 2 comments

One Word Meme Along With NaJuPicMo







Me, sometime last year making my famous pilaf.  This is more cleavage than I usually post, but I’m living dangerously lately!

This, from the ever-lovely Margie at Third Mom is inviting others to do a one word meme.  I edited it a bit to add in my four parents and I hope that was alright to do. So…here goes…

1. Where is your cell phone? Car
2. Your significant other? Snoring
3. Your hair? Auburn
4. Your mother? Gone
5. Your father? Stuck

4a.Other Mother? Hiding

5a. Other Father? Connected
6. Your favorite time of day? Night
7. Your dream last night? Cooking
8. Your favorite drink? Tea
9. Your dream goal? Acceptance
10. The room you’re in? Dining
11. Your ex? Mean
12. Your fear? Loss
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Here
14. What you are not? Lazy
15. Your Favorite meal? Chez Panisse
16. One of your wish list items? Serger
17. The last thing you did? Clean
18. Where you grew up? California
19. What are you wearing? Jeans
20. Your TV is? Stupid
21. Your pets? Fish
22. Your computer? Inviting
23. Your life? Tapestry
24. Your mood? Keen

25. Missing someone? Horribly
26. Your car? Zippy
27. Something you’re not wearing? Tattoo
28. Favorite store? Oilily
29. Your summer? Smoky
30. Your favorite color? Green
31. When is the last time you laughed? Morning
32. When is the last time you cried? Morning
33. Your health? Robust
34. Your children? Heartwarming
35. Your future? Opportunities
36. Your beliefs? Strong
37. Young or old? Pffffft
38. Your image? Changing
39. Your appearance? Momish
40. Would you live your life over again knowing what you know? Yes

July 6, 2008 at 11:27 pm 2 comments

Frosting & Boots with Steamed Milk – NaJuPicMo







Moments after a particularly delicious cupcake









In Target, while coveting rainboots, Izzy is seen sipping steamed milk

July 3, 2008 at 12:12 pm 5 comments


<img src=”http:// ” alt=”najupicmo” />

I totally just invented this, but I’m excited.  Here’s the selling point…sooooooo much easier than NaMoBlahBlah… whatever that thingy is.  Anyway, the ideas is that July is for posting pictures.  Post one picture a day.  No text necessary!  Take a picture of your vacation, your breakfast, the sweater you’re knitting, your bathroom renovations, the progress your teeth whitening strips are making, your sunflowers in the garden, the plums you brought home from the farmers’ market,WHATEVER! A picture a day…it’s all we ask. 

I fully understand and appreciate that I could have and should have thought of this and promoted it beginning about two weeks ago, but better a tad late than never.  So…I’ll kick things off by posting pictures of our Kyrgyz picnic and get-together in San Diego. 

Isabel with Lyudmilla, coordinator from Kyrgyzstan


Lyudmilla with Izzy!








Judge from Tokmok






Izzy enjoying the teacups at Disneyland





So, tomorrow I’ll be back and see how many of you are doing this!



July 1, 2008 at 10:56 pm 8 comments

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