Posts filed under ‘Daughters’

How To Eat Pasta – by Isabel

October 31, 2008 at 8:51 pm 17 comments

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October 12, 2008 at 3:37 pm Enter your password to view comments.

A New Me…

I’m so sorry I’ve disappeared from this spot for so long. I keep meaning to post to explain my absence but it’s been really hard to put my finger on.

The best I can come up with is all the growth and change here. Zannie started 2nd grade and Isabel turned two. It’s practically breathtaking to watch them grow and change at the rate they do, those girls. Isabel is doing baby signs like a champ (yay!) she has given up napping (boooo!) and she just unfolds and blossoms every single day. Suzannah is a total kid now. I don’t know fully what I mean by that except, I guess it means that there is no more little, little girl. She wants to wear pants and t-shirts instead of insisting on twirly dresses. She doesn’t say any words with cute mispronounciations. She’s Big.

Also, I feel a big change in myself and it’s been growing and starting to come out as the year goes on. I turn 40 in a few days. And, I feel really excited about it. The family-making stuff is done which is what my life was so centered around for so many years. And, as Isabel has changed from baby to toddler and sometimes goes off with grandpa to feed the ducks, I’ve felt the interests I had, the individual parts of me beckoning me. I feel this big page in the book of my life turning. It’s terribly exciting and a little strange at the same time.

I think for awhile I didn’t post because I was thinking that I was done talking about adoption or my family, but that’s silly and so I figured that couldn’t be right. Then, I was spending so much time sewing and trying to teach myself about sewing that I would change gears and have a craft blog. But, that doesn’t seem right either. Also, Zannie accidentally broke my camera and so I cannot take any pictures until we get a new one and that’s an expense I can’t justify at the moment.

So, I guess what’s going on with me is just this new idea that I can return to the things that I love, things outside of my children. (*gasps a bit…twinge of guilt*)

But, what I suspect will happen is that I will be beginning to focus this blog on all aspects of our family life, and the things I’m getting into, namely creative outlets. I am staying up way too late being crafty and it’s fun. So, stay tuned for all the projects and hopefully I’ll be able to show a picture or two soon. Oh wait…I have one from when Isabel was sick last month and fell asleep on daddy….

October 8, 2008 at 3:55 pm 8 comments

How To Mess up Two Women’s Lives With Hardly Any Effort – A True Story of Lies, Secrecy & Denial

If you happen to have about 45 minutes or so…here’s a truly compelling story from NPR.  This isn’t your ordinary baby-switching story.  In this piece, in which all major players are interviewed, you will hear about how one of the mothers knew  that her baby had been switched, but went along with her husband’s wishes not to make any waves or make the doctor look incompetent.  You will really be hooked after about 5 minutes listening to this.  So, grab your knitting, or fill your sink with dishes or find something to do while you listen.  You’ll need something to do so you can channel your shock and outrage.

August 12, 2008 at 12:51 pm 4 comments

BAKE Party at Suzanne’s

There’s a new thing happening thanks to Suzanne over at Straight Down the Mountain.  She started this whole idea of families from all over the Bay Area who have or are in-process of adopting from Kyrgyzstan, becoming a group who get together, form community and bonds with each other.  YAY!  B.A.K.E stands for Bay Area Kyrgyz Entourage.  I’m totally a BAKEr.  Here’s what happened:



Suzanne’s back yard….FAB







In the hammock





Suzanne, Ivy & Dylan









Suzanne’s Lagman was one of several traditional, central Asian dishes served.  One was a dish that I screwed up and it ended up being not the traditional manti but ended up being what I called Kyrgyz nachos.  Please, don’t ask.  Delicious, yes.  Authentic….no.  Absolutely no picture was taken of it.  I’ll do better next year…

July 28, 2008 at 10:25 pm 5 comments

Isabel’s Room Got Jealous – NaJuPicMo

That Suzannah’s room got the big re-do, Isabel told me that her room needed some spiffing up too. I rose to the challenge and started going through boxes and thinking about colors. I repositioned the crib and cleaned out the closet. Here is what we ended up doing.

1 yard oil cloth: $7.99
1 packet of doll house clothes pins: $1.99
Flower-Shaped placemats: $12.00
Redecorating with stuff I had around the house…PRICELESS!







This is the kiddie picnic table all done up with oil cloth which I love for kids’ projects and under high chairs and picnics too. 







Got out all the doll dresses that I played with when I was a girl, some of which were my mom’s doll dresses from the 1930’s and 40’s.  This is only fueling the ongoing vintage dress obsession. 









No, I didn’t make this.  I got it about 6 months ago and it’s from the Land of Nod catalog and I have coveted it ever since Suzannah was a toddler.  Yay for having two girls!  Izzy gets to lay in her crib and wake up to tiny doll dresses on her wall.  (Are you noticing a theme here????) 




The lighting on this is terrible, I understand.  But, if you can imagine buttery yellow flower-shaped placemats, then you can see what I’ve done with them.  I got out about a yard and a half of ribbon, glued on these flowers with fabric glue and about two hours later, I had an instant valance for a very plain window.  No sewing whatsoever.  I bought the placemats on deep discount not having any clue what I’d do with them.  I love it when things turn out to be a perfect thing for something you haven’t even planned yet.  So now Isabel’s room is very soft and warm and inviting.

July 25, 2008 at 12:28 pm 4 comments

You Can Pick Your Friends, But Don’t Pick Your… NaJuPicMo

July 19, 2008 at 11:55 pm 3 comments

Zannie Goes To The City – NaJuPicMo

I heard that Frida Kahlo was in town at SF MOMA and in an instant Suzannah and I decided that we HAD TO GO.  So, we made a day of it.  Frida Kahlo has a small connection to our heritage as my great aunt Suzanne Scheuer for whom Suzannah is named after, was friend and contemporary of Diego Rivera. I’m quite eager to share my love of San Francisco with my children, and also to share what I know of aunt Suzanne and also expose the girls to art of all kinds. After the exhibit, we sat down to talk about all the paintings over a lemonade and a cookie which Suzannah shared with Frida herself.

Then, we met up with my dear friend and teacher from my culinary school days. While eating soup, yes SOUP, she lost the other front tooth.

It was a great day.

July 19, 2008 at 5:14 pm 2 comments

Patterns for Kit’s Feedsack Dress

I have been on a mission to find the holy grail of a pattern for a Kit Kittredge dress for Zannie.  There have been many that I’ve liked and Shea directed me to beautiful vintage dresses.  Anyway, here is a sample of patterns I’ve found that may help you out if you are in the same boat as I am; needing to make one of these dresses and not a clue where to start.  Here’s what I’ve found so far.  (By the way, a real seamstress could make a nice little chunk of change making these dresses and selling them on ebay…)










This is Project Runway’s line of patterns for Simplicity (#2986)  It starts at size AA 8 and goes up, but I think if you’re an experienced sewer, you can cut the pattern to fit a smaller size.  I particularly liked the detailing options on this pattern, particularly the sleeves and the trim at the neckline.  I think the feedsack and calico fabrics are going to look fabulous worked up in this pattern.  I think you could put in a faux belt if you wanted mid-way or you could do it drop waist also. 









This is Simplicity (#2878 ) and I bought it for the neckline detailing alone.  Those flaps, fastened down with black buttons were screaming out to me!  I think for 1930’s styling, the bodice is too nipped in, but the piping and the small print on the example here made me buy it.  (That and Simplicity patterns were 40% off right now) 









This is a very sweet and cute pattern, and I’m not sure I’ll use it, but I do like the sleeves on this and I think you could customize it all over the place.  I think it’s too pleated for 1930’s, but it’s all about what you like personally, right? 

I ended up buying more yardage as well because the fabric is irresistable to me.  Here are companies that are making reproduction feedsack fabrics and modern takes on vintage fabrics.  Enjoy!

Please, let me know how you all do and if you make a Kit inspired dress, please send me a photo!!



July 15, 2008 at 3:35 pm 6 comments

Farmer’s Market & Flea Market Treasures – NaJuPicMo







I wish you all could smell these – they’re incredibly fragrant and ready for eating. 







This will be put to work in a tangy pickle we make with plums, red onion and infused with star anise.  We serve it with grilled pork chops. 









A local farmer was selling blossoms from his hydrangea bush.  $5 for 5 stems!  I couldn’t pass these up; they always reminds me of old-lady bathing caps.  After the farmer’s market, we headed over to the flea market and I scored a Kelvin Chen tea pot for $1.

July 12, 2008 at 3:22 pm 4 comments

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