Archive for March 6, 2007

I could look at this picture all day


I couldn’t figure out how to rotate it, but who cares?  This was Isabel this morning after her bottle.  Those eyes!  We met with her for about an hour and then met with the director of the orphanage and went through all her medical records and how much of the new formula to give her.  We have to put some weight on her and so she’s going to start getting higher calorie stuff per doctor’s Rx. 

We came back to our room and rested a bit and then went exploring and walking all over Bishkek.  We walked through the center where there is a long park.  We were trying to find a specific place that we read about that sells traditional Kyrgyz felt and other ethnic crafts.  We weren’t sucessful in finding it, but we had a good look around.  It’s people and the city are diverse and interesting.  It truly is a meeting of so many cultures of the world in central Asia. 

Tonight I am going to try so hard to stay up later so that I’m not up again at 3 am.  Tomorrow is our third day with Isabel.  We’re going to bring her diapers as this is a cost that is hard on the orphanage. 

We are loving the food here.  Zannie has her ‘chuchvara’ every day which is strong chicken broth with chicken dumplings.  Everything is seasoned so nicely. 

I shall go to sleep tonight wondering what our girl is doing and trying to not count the days until she comes home with us.

March 6, 2007 at 5:57 am 3 comments

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